Franklin County and Ohio Republican Officeholders
United States Senate
Statewide Constitutional Officeholders
United States Representative to Congress​​
Mike Carey, 15th Congressional District
Ohio Senate
Stephanie Kunze, 16th State Senate District
Ohio House of Representatives
Brian Stewart, 12th Ohio House District
David Dobos, 10th Ohio District
Ohio Supreme Court Justices
Judge of the 10th District Court of Appeals​
Judge of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division
​Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court
Gina Russo​​
James E. Green
Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court Environmental Division
City of Bexley
Council - Jessica Saad
City of Canal Winchester
School Board - Chloe Green
City of Dublin​
Andrew Keeler
Ward 1 - Amy Kramb
​Ward 2 - Jane Fox
Ward 3 - John Reiner
Ward 4 - Catherine DeRosa
School Board
Chris Valentine​
Diana Rigby
City of Gahanna
Council at Large - Nancy McGregor
City of Grove City
Mayor - Richard Stage
Ward 1 - Ted Berry​
Ward 2 - Randy Holt
Ward 3 - Christine Houk
Ward 5 - Rodney Drew
School Board
Denise D'Angelo​
Julie Liskany
Chris Boso
Kelli Marindale
​City of Groveport
Jean Hilbert​
Shawn Cleary
Edward Dildine
Scott Lockett
Jack Rupp, Jr.
City of Hilliard
Peggy Hale​
Les Carrier
Andrew Teater
School Board
Beth Murdoch​
Zach Vorst
City of New Albany
Mayor - Sloan Spalding
Michael Durik​
Edward Fellows
Kasey Kist
Matthew Shull
City of Obetz
Mayor - Angie Kirk
Michael Kimbler​
Guiles Richardson, Jr.
Todd Gibbs
City of Reynoldsburg
Auditor -Stephean Cicak
Council At Large - Barth Cotner
City of Upper Arlington
​​Todd Walter
School Board - Lou Sauter
City of Westerville​
Jeff Washburn
Michael Heyeck
​City of Whitehall
Council at Large - Larry Morrison
Blendon Township
DeLena Ciamacco
Cathy Shinaberry
Jan Heichel
​Brown Township
Gary Dever​
Joseph Martin
Franklin Township
Jim Leezer
Mike Blevins
John Fleshman
Jackson Township
Fiscal Officer - Ron Grossman
Ronald McClure
David Burris
Jim Rauck
Jefferson Township
Fiscal Officer - Ken Jones
Mike Rowan​
Madison Township
Bruce Jarvis​
John Pritchard
Mifflin Township
Richard Angelou​
Kevin Cavener
Norwich Township
Fiscal Officer - Omar Tarazi
Trustee - Charles Buck
Perry Township
Andrew English​
James Roper
Plain Township
Fiscal Officer - Eugene Zappitelli, III
Trustee - David Ferguson
Pleasant Township
Edward Sheets
Nancy Hunter
Randi Good
Praire Township
Fiscal Officer - Alec Milam
Trustee - Cathy Schmelzer
Sharon Township
Fiscal Officer - Michael Farley
Anthony Palmer​
John Oberle
Truro Township
Trustee - Chris Long
Washington Township
Fiscal Officer - Scott Melody
Stu Harris​
Charles Kranstuber